The NCTMC is to develop each and every student to become a certified Christian martial arts instructor/master who is willing to voluntarily work for his/her community and therefore contributing to the greater good of the country. To achieve this goal, we are strived to instill the following values: self-confidence, self-control, courtesy, responsibility, justice, loyalty, respect, indomitable spirit, self-sacrifice, self-discipline and leadership based on Christian spirit in addition to martial arts. Being a Black Belt in Taekwondo does not end with just physical, mental, and spiritual which he/she attains through martial arts training. It also marks the beginning of finding out how he/she can become more involved and assert themselves in an effort to contribute to their own community. Becoming a master in Taekwondo means to take responsibility that it comes with. Furthermore, each individual will continue to seek any additional responsibility rather than just being content with what they have without any further application of the teachings they receive. One of the core philosophies of Taekwondo is to show courtesy and respect to others with integrity, responsibility, and loyalty based on martial arts training.